A model of a heart
According to a study conducted in 2018, nearly thirty-million people Americans were diagnosed with a heart condition. Every year nearly six-hundred and fifty thousand Americans die of cardiovascular disease, making it the number one cause of death in America. One of the main reasons so many Americans suffer from heart diseases is their unhealthy eating habits. High cholesterol levels are the leading factor of heart disease, which is due to unhealthy foods. Let’s take a
Urine samples

November 12, 2021

Understanding Urinalysis

Scientists have discovered many ways in which you can examine the working of your organs, one of which is called a urinalysis. A urinalysis is a straightforward test that examines a sample of urine. It can aid in uncovering many infections that necessitate treatment, such as urinary infections. It can also aid in the early detection of major disorders such as urinary cancer. Here is everything you should know about urinalysis. Why Is Urinalysis Done?
Red blood cells

November 11, 2021

Anemia: Causes and Symptoms

When an individual doesn’t have a sufficient amount of red blood cells, they might have anemia. Iron and hemoglobin play an essential role in your vital functions as they help transmit oxygen via the veins to your body parts. The term “anemic” refers to a person who has been diagnosed with anemia. If you’re anemic, you may notice that you’re often drained or feel more chilly than normal, or you see discoloration in your skin
a healthcare professional drawing blood
To keep track of your overall well-being, you should get your blood tested regularly. This can help you visualize the changes your body undergoes as you age, empowering you to make informed decisions regarding your health. Here, our expert phlebotomists in VA expand on 4 important blood tests everyone should know! 1. Metabolic Panel This test determines bi-products of protein metabolism, the pH balance in your blood, the function of your liver, kidneys, and the
Diabetes Checking Syringe
Most early symptoms of diabetes emerge from abnormal levels of glucose — sugar in your blood. Some warning signs are too mild that noticing them can be difficult, which is especially true for Type 2 diabetes. Some individuals don’t find out until they start experiencing problems caused by long-term damage. The symptoms are often experienced quickly with Type 1 diabetes, in a matter of a few weeks (or days) — they’re far more severe as
Healthcare Innovation: Mobile Phlebotomy Services
Often, a pediatric blood draw can be a stressful experience for children. However, there are a plethora of ways to make a pediatric blood draw easier for your child. Here, our expert phlebotomists in VA expand on some of them! 1. Go with the flow Drinking plenty of water is vital for blood and urine tests. Unless especially ordered by your child’s doctor, encourage your child to drink water prior to the office visit. Drinking
a healthcare professional drawing blood

September 20, 2021

How to Prepare for Blood Work

Your doctor just ordered blood work and you’re looking to get it done. Here are our professional phlebotomists in Annapolis advising you on how to prepare for blood work to ensure an easy, comfortable draw. Avoid certain activities Some blood tests can be compromised based on your activities. These tests can be altered by sexual activity, drinking herbal tea, smoking, undergoing dehydration, heavy exercise, or recent physical activity. Your provider may ask you to refrain
regular checkups

September 16, 2021

Importance Of Regular Checkups

The importance of regular checkups:
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