A pair of injections
Children are usually scared of needles, and any medical procedure involving needles is a big no for them. As a child grows, this fear keeps subsiding and eventually disappears. Sometimes, however, the fear of needles sticks with a person. In medical terms, this condition is called trypanophobia. If you also have trypanophobia, you can read further to know what causes it and how you can overcome it. Causes of Fear of Needles Physicians are uncertain
A bunch of blood samples in a lab
Phlebotomy is the domain of blood sampling for diagnostic tests. Millions of people work as phlebotomists internationally, covering a large territory. The market for blood collection was about $9.5 billion globally in 2020, and it is anticipated to reach $13.99 billion by 2025. The medical sciences heavily rely on this significant subfield. COVID-19 was detrimental to all sectors of society, but it was more damaging to people living in vulnerable towns and cities. Thanks to mobile
A lab phlebotomist examining blood samples
Blood and its components are considered a precious resource in healthcare. That’s because it can’t be manufactured or substituted and can only be donated. That’s why taking a culture blood test every year is essential to ensure your internal systems are functioning properly. However, doctors may ask you to do intermediate fasting before your blood test. You must be wondering what fasting is and why it is necessary for some tests. Well, Fasting means abstaining
A lab phlebotomist using a syringe to draw blood
Do you feel dizzy or nauseous when you have to give a blood sample? Well, you’re not alone. Research indicates that pain or blood visualization isn’t the main cause of most people’s fear of blood draws. 15% of adults worldwide struggle with the phobia of fainting during or after blood-drawing procedures. There are three types of blood donation fears. The first one is the fear of needles, the second is the fear of passing out, and
A microscopic view of red blood cells
Humans require blood to survive. The human body’s systems would not be able to function properly without blood. People would be unable to maintain body temperature, fight diseases, or dispose of their waste. Our blood comprises of four constituents responsible for various tasks in the body. Red blood cells are crucial in providing oxygen to your vital organs. Additionally, they transport atmospheric CO2 from our cells to our lungs. However, most people aren’t aware of
A lab phlebotomist drawing blood
Phlebotomy is a substantial aspect of most clinical treatment and screening tests. We’ve all provided blood samples at some stage of our lives, but was the procedure safe enough? Lab phlebotomists in Virginia significantly focus on safe blood drawing and collection to assure that the individual giving blood doesn’t get any illnesses or bacterial infections. Additionally, safe sample collection stops the transmission of disease-causing blood particles in the environment. However, there are some things every citizen must know before
Alab phlebotomist drawing blood
The American Red Cross has declared a national blood recession for the first time as the nation continues to struggle with diminishing blood supply in the banks. According to reports, the inventory shortage is at its worst in over ten years. Additionally, the organization stated that the situation posed a risk to patient care. Medical professionals must make difficult decisions about who needs blood transfusions and who can wait. As a result, hospitals had to change some patients’ treatments or
a person holding vials of blood
White blood cells play a critical role in our body’s defense system. After all, they’re our first line of defense against infections.   These cells circulate in our bloodstream and tissues to locate any foreign particles in the body. If they identify one, they signal other cells to help defend the body against the attack. Your medical provider can request a complete blood count (CBC) conducted from Mobile Laboratory Services in Maryland to check your WBC
a person at a doctor’s appointment
Leukocytosis is a term that refers to an elevated count of white blood cells (WBCs) in the body. This can indicate various conditions and issues, like inflammation, infections, immune system disorders, or injuries. Usually, leukocytosis is an immune system response triggered by infection or inflammation. It can also be caused by anxiety or stress. However, a high white blood cell count can also indicate something more serious. That’s why it’s critical you talk to your
a phlebotomist drawing blood
The American Red Cross has declared a national blood crisis for the first time in history. The blood supply in the U.S. had reached its lowest level in over a decade. In fact, many blood centers across the country are left with only a few days’ inventory for certain blood types. This can lead to severe complications as blood transfusions are critical for many surgeries. They’re also vital in the treatment of diseases, like some cancers.
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