What Is Leukocytosis, and Are There Any Treatment Options for It?

a person at a doctor’s appointment

Leukocytosis is a term that refers to an elevated count of white blood cells (WBCs) in the body. This can indicate various conditions and issues, like inflammation, infections, immune system disorders, or injuries.

Usually, leukocytosis is an immune system response triggered by infection or inflammation. It can also be caused by anxiety or stress. However, a high white blood cell count can also indicate something more serious. That’s why it’s critical you talk to your healthcare provider.

Medical providers usually request a complete blood count (CBC) that can be conducted from Laboratory Testing Services VA.

Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Leukocytosis? What Are Its Types?

Leukocytes are white blood cells responsible to protect your body against various illnesses and infections. When someone experiences leukocytosis, it means that there was an increase in the levels of leukocytes in their blood. This usually occurs when a person is sick. However, it can also be a stress response.

Leukocytosis isn’t always a cause for concern and can be a normal immune response. However, it can also indicate a serious disease, like leukemia.

Here are the types of leukocytosis:

  1. Basophilia is the rarest type of leukocytosis that results from increased levels of basophils. It can indicate leukemia.  
  2. Eosinophilia occurs from a high number of eosinophils in the blood. It’s relatively uncommon and can indicate parasites or allergies.  
  3. Lymphocytosis occurs from increased levels of lymphocytes. It can indicate leukemia and viral infections.
  4. Monocytosis is another uncommon type characterized by high levels of monocytes. This can indicate cancer or infections.
  5. Neutrophilia is the most common type of leukocytosis that’s caused by high levels of neutrophils. It accounts for over 40–60 percent of WBCs in our body. It’s linked with inflammation and infections.

Symptoms of Leukocytosis

Unfortunately, many symptoms can point toward an infection or more serious conditions, such as lymphoma or leukemia.

Some warning signs include:

  1. Breathing difficulties
  2. Fatigue
  3. Fever
  4. Night sweats
  5. Pain
  6. Rash, hives, itching
  7. Weight loss
  8. Wheezing

A higher count of WBCs in your body can thicken blood. This impairs blood flow and can lead to hyperviscosity syndrome. This condition can cause bleeding from the intestines, mouth, or stomach. Additionally, it can also lead to stroke, vision problems, etc.

Leukocytosis Treatment

Treatment for leukocytosis largely depends on the cause of the condition. For example, a bacterial infection can cause your white blood cell count to increase. In this case, your medical provider will prescribe antibiotics.

Here are some common leukocytosis treatments:

  1. Antibiotics (bacterial infections)
  2. Antihistamines (allergic reactions)
  3. Anxiety or stress medications
  4. Inhalers (asthma)
  5. Treatments for inflammatory conditions
  6. Treatments like chemotherapy or stem cell transplants (leukemia)

Do you need a CBC blood test but don’t want to go to the hospital or a lab? Then try our services.

At Phlebotomy On Wheels, we take pride in being a licensed mobile lab service provider VA. We offer affordable and top-of-the-line phlebotomy services in Maryland, Baltimore, Fairfax, and Virginia. We also offer other mobile lab services in MD, such as routine blood draws, stat draws, pediatric draws, etc.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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