Anemia: Causes and Symptoms

Red blood cells

When an individual doesn’t have a sufficient amount of red blood cells, they might have anemia. Iron and hemoglobin play an essential role in your vital functions as they help transmit oxygen via the veins to your body parts.

The term “anemic” refers to a person who has been diagnosed with anemia. If you’re anemic, you may notice that you’re often drained or feel more chilly than normal, or you see discoloration in your skin tone.

Take a look at the causes and symptoms of anemia;


Anemia symptoms might be so subtle that you might not notice them. As the number of blood cells in your body reduces, warning signs appear. Following are the symptoms of anemia;

Types and Causes

The kinds of anemia are classified into three sets:

1. Originated by Blood Loss

Bleeding can cause the loss of red blood cells. This might develop gradually over time, and you may be unaware of it. The following are possible causes:

Girl experiencing PTSD

2. Caused by Lessened Red Blood Cell Growth

Sometimes, the body might not produce sufficient blood cells and not function properly due to anemia. If there is less growth of red blood cells, the body will not have enough vitamins to function properly.  The following are some of the conditions linked to these anemia causes:

1) Stem cell crisis

It’s possible your body won’t be able to generate a sufficient amount of RBCs due to this. In that case, RBCs will be produced from the cells active in the bone marrow. You may develop anemia if the acquired cells don’t function properly or are turning to cancer cells.

2) Iron-deficiency anemia

This occurs when your body lacks sufficient amounts of the mineral iron. Iron is required to produce hemoglobin, the component of the RBC that transports oxygen to your body. Anemia due to a lack of iron can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

3) Sickle cell anemia

It’s a condition in which your normally spherical RBCs turn in the shape of falcate due to a genetic issue. Anemia occurs when RBCs split, preventing oxygen from reaching your organs. RBCs with a falcate form might get caught in small blood arteries and can result in soreness.

4) Vitamin-deficiency anemia

It can happen when your body isn’t producing enough vitamin B-12; it can limit RBCs production. The following reasons can cause this condition:

Anemia linked with chronic diseases

This occurs when your body does not produce an adequate amount of RBCs due to a lack of hormones. The following conditions cause this form of anemia:

3. Caused by Destruction of RBCs

Hemolytic anemia occurs when RBCs are frail and can’t tolerate the pressure to move in the body. This disorder can be genetic or develop later in life. Hemolytic anemia can have a variety of reasons, some of which are listed below.

Phlebotomy On Wheels is a trusted mobile lab service provider in Maryland. We have a team of expert phlebotomists who offer mobile phlebotomy services to our clients to meet their needs and conditions. To acquire phlebotomy services at your doorstep, contact them today to avail the best mobile lab service in Maryland.

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