What are Stat Blood Draws?

lab worker holding blood samples

With the advancements in medical technology and diagnostic testing, doctors can now diagnose serious illnesses quickly and accurately. However, some conditions require special attention and testing before a diagnosis is made. This is why doctors order “stat” tests. The word “stat” is derived from the Latin “statim” which means “immediately”.  

What Are Stat Blood Draws?

Stat blood draws are a sample of blood taken from a patient and sent to the lab for immediate testing. It takes an average of one hour from specimen receipt until the results are reported for most lab tests. These tests must be performed ahead of other routine tests in the queue.

Why Are Stat Blood Draws Important?

Stat blood draws are performed in circumstances of urgency and are intended to detect acute changes, which may signify a medical condition. The results of this test will help physicians make a better diagnosis or rule out the presence of a possible illness or disease.

Stat blood tests may be ordered for many reasons, including but not limited to:

Who Can Benefit From Stat Blood Draws?

Stat blood draws can be ordered for patients experiencing any unusual medical conditions. Sometimes it’s standard practice to request a stat blood draw to confirm suspicions about a patient’s condition while sometimes it could point to a serious condition, such as cancer.

For example, a doctor may suspect that a patient has leukemia based on certain symptoms, such as fatigue and pale skin. They may order a stat blood draw to confirm the diagnosis.

In another situation, the doctor may believe that a patient has colon cancer based on his symptoms and an x-ray. To confirm these suspicions, he orders stat blood draw to measure certain chemicals in the bloodstream.

What Kind of Tests Are Performed as Stat Tests?

Stat tests can be done on any type of blood sample, whether it’s whole blood, serum or plasma. You can now also avail mobile phlebotomy services where blood draws can be performed on wheels as it requires no extra effort on the part of the patient.

Some common stat tests include:

Now that you have all the information you need about stat blood draws, what are you waiting for? Reach out to Phlebotomy On Wheels today and discover more about our blood draw at home services.

We have been offering patients with affordable and reliable mobile laboratory services in Maryland, Baltimore, and Northern VA for over a decade now, so we can guarantee high-quality care!

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