6 Surprising Things You Can Detect With A Blood Test

a healthcare professional drawing blood

Doctors frequently recommend blood tests. Ever wondered why? Well, the blood that runs through our bodies carries a lot more than just oxygen. It is a highly accurate indicator of many of our health conditions and, for the most part, one of the least complicated tests to perform.

Here are some surprising things your blood test can reveal about you.

1.   If You Have A Brain Injury

To find out the status of an injury sustained in the brain, physicians generally recommend a CT scan. In 2018, however, the FDI approved a blood test that revealed if someone had a clot in their brain. The Banyan BTI tests levels of biomarkers released into the body right after an injury and can be an accurate indicator.

2.   If You’re Likely To Get Alzheimer’s

Washington University Of Medicine in St. Louis has identified two markers of Alzheimer’s disease in blood; these are amyloid-beta and tau.

These markers can appear in the blood years before the onset of the disease and indicate the chances of contracting it. A recent blood test reveals the state of the blood in this regard.

3.   If You Have Depression

Depression and other mental health disorders have a direct impact on your biology. Here again, your blood carries specific biological markers. Researchers have worked out a blood test to distinguish between patients with depression and those who have schizophrenia.

4.   Every Virus You’ve Ever Had

When you are down with a virus, your body creates antibodies to create immunity. Your blood can carry those antibodies for the time to come, and a blood test can reveal the state of your body. This information may help prevent any future illness.

5.   Your Biological Age

Your biological age is the state of your health. For example, you may be thirty-two but have kept a check on alcohol and smoking and are physically fit. This may increase the chances of your longevity of life, thereby showing a reduced biological age in the blood.

Bottom Line

Getting a blood test should not be so difficult. To get blood draw services at home, contact us at Phlebotomy On Wheels. We provide home blood draw services with the help of our expert phlebotomists in Maryland, VA. Contact us by sending a message or call us on (443)-866-3647 to book your appointment today!

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